Monday, 2 December 2013

Snow Ball!

On Saturday 30th December my university had its annual Snow Ball. I've been super busy with deadlines recently and haven't posted much, so I thought it would be nice to do a little post on what I wore and how I did my hair and make-up! Sorry about the horrendous quality of some of these photos, they were all taken on various iPhones so they aren't great!

I actually had a bit of a nightmare with my dress, I originally ordered
this one from Missguided, but it didn't fit and I had to send it back. I then ordered one from ASOS, but realised i'd need a stick on bra to wear with it so ordered one from eBay. About two weeks later my bra still hadn't turned up, trust me to find the dodgy eBay sellers! So, the day before I had to order this one from ASOS and prayed it would arrive in time, which luckily it did.

I curled my hair using a regular curling wand, but instead of using the clamp I simply wrapped strands around it to give a more natural looking curl. I used L'Oréal Elnett Satin Extra Strength Hairspray to keep them in place and I was really impressed with how well it worked, my curls still looked great the next morning! I then twisted the front strands of my hair back and secured them with my American Apparel bow.

I painted my nails using one of the new limited edition Barry M nail paints from Superdrug. For some reason it doesn't seem to have a name other than "E", but as you can see it's a beautiful pink glitter polish. I used a clear base coat, two coats of the polish and then topped it off with a clear topcoat and I really love the effect.

For make-up I didn't do anything too adventurous. I stuck to my regular face routine, then used some shimmery shades (Sin all over the lid, Sidecar on the outer corner & Toasted in the crease) from my Urban Decay Naked 1 palette to complement the colour of my dress.
Products used: NARS Sheer Glow foundation in Mont Blanc, Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Light 2, MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural in Light Plus, MAC Mineralize Skinfinish in Soft & Gentle, NYX Powder Blush in Natural, NYX Matte Finish Setting Spray, NARS Laguna Bronzer, Chella Highlighter Pencil in Ivory Lace, Maybelline One by One  Volum' Express Mascara, Urban Decay Primer Potion (depotted, in the MAC eyeshadow pot), Collection Colour Lash Mascara in Clear and Chanel Rouge Coco Shine in #85 Secret.

Here are some photos from the night...

I hope you liked this post, it's a little more personal than I usually do but as I haven't posted in a while I thought it would be a nice way of keeping you all updated with what i've been up to! I'm coming towards the end of term so hopefully over the holidays I'll have time to post more regularly.

See you soon xxx


  1. lovely dress! and your hair looks so pretty :)
    abi from a little dust

  2. Your hair is so pretty! And I love your outfit as well x

  3. Your hair turned out gorgeous! And love the dress you ended up with despite all the mishaps :)

    1. thank you! haha it was worth it in the end :) xxx

  4. love the dress so much, so sad to hear your dilemma... hope you liked the dress in the end, personally I think it's stunning! looks like you enjoyed yourself x

  5. I absolutely love the dress, So pretty :) Hope you had a great night at the ball regardless of the dilemma.
    Yours Truly, NY

  6. Oh my goodness! I love love love your final look!
    Your hair looks like a disney princess!
    Too cute xx


  7. I love the dress! Reminds me of my Year 11 prom dress in the same colour :) xx
    Anita @ AllThingsAnita
